domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009

Increasing pluralism at EAFIT

A more diverse EAFIT...

Sometimes, we hear ourselves talking that the motto of our university is "open to the world" and we make fun and say that it is not true, that we come from a close society as antioqueños, so it is definnetly just something we say.

Anyway, I think we are in a process of opening and that we have achieved great things by now. Besides the university has done many efforts to attract people from abroad, we see more international teachers and exchange students than what we saw five years ago.

But in order to be complete open, we don't need just to attract people from other countries, that is just one step. We need to become more diversified, and slowly the University is taking steps to achieve it. For example, making EAFIT more diverse in terms of age we have "La Universidad de los Niños" for kids, and "Saberes de vida" for older people, it is full of grandparents now...

Nonetheless, we need to increase pluralism in every posible way and here is were we want to propose three Value Chains, one that approaches diversity in general, the second one towards sexual orientation and the last one concerning race.

Final Comments: The Value Chains were made by Ismael Ossa and María Natalia Suárez Vallejo.

We had again some difficulties with the quality of the images, so in order to have better charts contact me please at:

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